Welcome to the Team!

Meet the Team
We are excited to announce continued growth in our clinic and welcome new team members into the office! 
Don't be shy and say hello next time you are in! 

Addy Greimel 

Meet Addy - our newest team member you will see at the front desk!
She loves a good book + spending time with her hubby and daughter. Road trips are a must for her family and they love hiking + biking + and a good picnic.
She is an early childhood teacher taking a short break to have more time with her family - so when we were looking to add to our team she was thrilled to join us!


Keighly S. Evanson

Keighly started off as a patient here 3 years ago. Her love of visiting the clinic blossomed into a part-time job here!
During the school year, Keighly is a public school teacher! She loves to care for and educate children. Ask her to share one of her many hilarious teaching stories. 
When she has her off time you can find find her curled up with a good book, sitting on a patio somewhere, or with her family up north. 
 ~ As always don't hesitate to reach out with questions /// thoughts surrounding this topic! ~
Just email us : team@chiroformoms.com
Facebook: @chiroformomsclinic
Instagram: @chiro_for_moms
p : 952-378-1085  | f : 612-999-1983