Schedule Appointment 


If you have pain related to any of the conditions listed below, PLEASE don't hesitate to come in to see us.  We want you out of pain so that you can live your best life.


  • Post C-section Pain
  • Hernia during pregnancy
  • Sports hernia during and after pregnancy
  • Shoulder pain due to carrying your infant, toddler or older child
  • Low back pain due to pregnancy (it’s never too early or too late)
  • Low back pain due to carrying your child
  • Low back pain due to cleaning your house
  • Low back pain due to sleeping incorrectly
  • Arm tingling/ numbness
  • Headaches (all sorts… including migraine)
  • Immune system help and recommendations
  • Neck stiffness (torticollis)
  • Colic for babies
  • Ear infections



  • Neck pain (from nursing or sitting at a computer)
  • Sciatica / pain down your leg
  • Difficulty walking 
  • Tail bone pain
  • Pubic Symphysis pain
  • Knee pain (due to exercise - like Zumba, running)
  • Scoliosis
  • Ankle pain
  • Elbow pain (tennis / golfers elbow)
  • Hand pain
  • Jaw pain
  • Wrist pain (carpal tunnel)
  • Constipation
  • Bed Wetting 
  • Gas Discomfort (especially in babies)









Lactation + Baby Chiro

Want to breastfeed
but not sure where to start?

Our lactation specialist - Dr. Jess - will help guide you through your journey.

What to expect during your first visit.

Dr. Jess will have you go through a thorough intake to determine the best steps to help you with your breastfeeding journey. Whether that is not producing enough, babe not latching correctly, pumping schedules, etc. Babe will nurse during your visit so that we are able to do a weighted feed to determine approximately how many oz babe is getting from you. Babe will be getting body work done while you and Dr. Jess chat exercises and techniques to perform at home.
All throughout Dr. Jess’s Chiropractic schooling, she has had a passion for women and children’s health. Through her internships, she specialized in pregnancy and infant care learning from many doctors around the Twin Cities.

She then advanced her knowledge by investing further into her education by taking courses on craniosacral therapy and infant tongue therapy.

Dr. Jess has taken her Lactation Consultant course and can offer lactation advice for breastfeeding/pumping mamas. She's able to do weighted feeds and help with latching difficulties which may require some positioning changes for you, and body work for babe.





NEW PATIENT - Lactation Consult + Craniosacral Therapy For Babe Visit
(60 minutes)

Please plan on feeding babe during this visit

$120 Existing Patient FOLLOW UP
Includes lactation consult + craniosacral therapy
* This can only be schedule after a new patient lactation visit

( 30 minutes )

** Please note, if you have been seen in the clinic with chiropractic and want lactation support, you will need to schedule the new patient Lactation Consult