The Webster technique for pregnancy helps to optimize your pelvic position to prep you for labor and delivery. Read on for more details about all the ways this chiropractic technique can help YOU.
What is the Webster Technique?
You'll hear about this technique as a way to FLIP A BREECH BABY. And YES, by optimizing the natural physiology of the pelvis, we optimize the natural and optimal positioning for the baby, but we do not "flip" the baby. We help to create the space for baby to do the moving on their own. This technique serves to better prepare the woman's pelvis for labor + delivery. It helps to align the pelvis - optimizing the natural positioning of the pelvis for delivery - which increases positive outcome. This technique also lengthens and relaxes the muscles and ligaments that surround the pelvis. This includes the iliopsoas muscle, the sacrotuberous ligament, and the round ligament.
Which areas of the body are we working on?
- Sacrotuberous Ligament [ on the back side of the body ]
- Sacrum [ bony part / "tailbone" part of the pelvis - on the back side of the body ]
- Iliopsoas muscle [ hip flexor - on the front side of the body ]
- Round Ligament [ on the front side of the body ]
- Pubic Symphysis [ bony part / "crotch bone" part of the pelvis - on the front side of the body]
We are NOT FLIPPING your breech baby [ we are also NOT performing an ECV ].
When we are performing the Webster Technique or any manual chiropractic care during pregnancy, we are not performing any techniques which are internal or invasive. Everything we are doing is on the outside of the body, involving the pelvic joints with the surrounding muscles and ligaments. Further, we are not performing an ECV - External Cephalic Version - which is an internal procedure performed by your OB in a medically monitored setting.

Why should women see a Chiropractor who is certified AND specializes in the Webster Technique?
Any chiropractor can get certified in the Webster Technique, but not just any chiropractor can be the best at what they do. Because our doctors practice the Webster Technique literally EVERY SINGLE DAY, they are the very best at performing this technique. A woman's body during pregnancy is more mobile and more instable. It's important to find a doctor who doesn't over stretch or over adjust a woman's body. She needs a very specific type of care during pregnancy.
Who can be seen for the Webster Technique during pregnancy?
ANY + ALL women can be seen for the Webster Technique. It is a beautiful way to prevent a pregnancy with a breech baby. It is also a beautiful way to prevent a lot of pelvic and low back pain during pregnancy. This technique is primarily performed to optimize the natural physiology and alignment of the woman's body - so any woman is privy to that.
When does a woman come in for the Webster Technique?

Where do you go for the Webster Technique?
There is a long list of Webster certified chiropractors that you can find through the ICPA website. If you would like more information about the Webster technique, check out the ICPA WEBSITE! In saying that, you want to make sure you do your due diligence and ask your chiropractor how often they're performing the Webster technique and how comfortable they are with it. You want a chiropractor who is not only comfortable and well versed, you also want a chiropractor who has the set up for the care. [ Most importably, a PREGNANCY PILLOW like the Belloost pillow we use AND a treating table that has a DROP table for a portion of the adjusting ].
MORE RESOURCES to help your pregnancy :
We are all about providing the most applicable resources for women - surrounding the mechanics of their pregnancies. We are constantly updating the stretches, exercises and tools we provide for our patients and our community. Here are more of our resources to aid in your pregnancy :
MUST HAVES to save your body during your PREGNANCY
Research on the efficacy and safety of chiropractic during pregnancy.
For more videos about Webster technique, we encourage you to check out the playlist linked below. It will take you directly to videos that not only discuss Webster, but walk you through home techniques. BONUS, the playlist also includes general labor + delivery preparations and exercises specific to a breech baby!
⬆️ Playlist Updated Regularly ⬆️