4 Common Hip Conditions + How to Find Relief

4 common hip conditions
When someone is experiencing hip pain, there are a few conditions that come to a chiropractor's mind! This blog walks you through the 4 most common conditions in the hip joint, what they are, common symptoms, and the chiropractic approach to care. 
5 common hip conditions

1. Subtrochanteric bursitis 

One of the more common hip conditions in women (especially) is bursitis. Bursitis is a phrase used to describe inflammation [swelling] in a joint’s bursa. A bursa is a fluid filled ‘cushion’ found in joint spaces to help reduce friction caused by muscles and tendons moving against bony areas.  
Symptoms can include:
— Localized ‘burning’ pain over the side of the hip
— Pain with hip rotation
— Pain with side sleeping
— Irritation with Running + Prolonged standing
Our recommendations for treatment include adjusting [joint movement] and decreasing inflammation [through rest or ice / epsom salt baths]. Try to rest from the activity that is causing the pain [like running] - and modify by doing something different that doesn't irritate the pain. We adjust/mobilize the joints below and above the hip joint— the pelvis, low back, and lower extremity.  
5 common hip conditions and how to find relief

2. Meralgia paresthetica

Meralgia paresthetica is a hip condition that triggers numbness/tingling across the outside of the hip/thigh. It is caused by the compression of outer nerves under surrounding hip ligaments. Outside of the sensory disturbance, patients don’t experience any muscle weakness or fatigue. 
When do we see this in our clinic? With pregnancy!! With the rapid abdominal weight gain [hello baby], moms can experience this condition as baby presses outward against the ligament. Another contributor is anterior pelvic tilt, which is also related to pregnancy posture. Many women will have symptoms resolve postpartum!

Our Solutions:

— Pelvic stabilizing + strengthening [for pelvic tilt]
— Core stability 
— Stretch tight musculature in the hip + pelvis
— Mobilize the nerve through soft tissue work or ‘flossing’
— Avoid heeled shoes [contribute to pelvic tilt]
5 common hip conditions

3. Internal Snapping Hip 

The name pretty much gives away this condition — snapping hip occurs when there is a snap/pop/click in the hip which may or may not cause pain. Typically, the snapping that is occurring is assumed to be the tendon of the psoas major muscles [ hip flexor, see below ] rolling over a bony prominence on the femoral head [ hip bone ]. Other causes: tight IT band / gluteus maximus tendons, loose bodies, labral tears, and recurrent dislocations. 
 This condition is incredibly common in athletes - specifically: dancers + gymnasts, rowers, runners, soccer players. 


5 common hip conditions

4. Psoas hypertonicity 

The iliopsoas muscle begins in the upper low back region and attaches to every low back spinal segment.  It inserts on the inner side of the hip bone [depicted above.] It flexes the leg up and rotate the hip it outward. This muscle tends to be a hot topic at CHIRO FOR MOMS since it contributes to many dysfunctions across the low back, pelvis, and hip. 


— pain in the front hip and thigh
— holding hip slightly flexed
— anterior pelvic tilt
— outward rotation of the hip 
— Inner thigh [adductor] tenderness
— Discomfort with hip extension
— Lower most low back pain complaints [low back pain, radiating buttock pain]

Our solutions:

— Adjust [restore hip mobility, support correct alignment of the low back + pelvis]
— Targeted exercise + stretches [hip flexors and rotators]  
— Acupuncture 
— Epsom salt bath [+ other anti-inflammatories] 


 *** As always don't hesitate to reach out with questions /// thoughts surrounding this topic! ***

Just email us : team@chiroformoms.com