People often ask me about supplements in the clinic. They ask, in general, what I recommend for women and for children. I keep it simple. I recommend four for women, and four for children. Of course there are always exceptions, and more can always be added, but the supplements that I’m going to list below are a good baseline for nutrition.
Supplements for Women
- for your immune system and gut health
- it’s important to use a probiotic with live bacteria (capsules that need to be kept cold)
Vitamin B complex
- important to make sure it has B6, B12 & folic acid
- they’re water soluble, so they’re easy to digest and tend not to irritate your gut
- very important for women with a gluten-free or vegetarian diet
- especially important during pregnancy, for the fetal development
Vitamin D
- especially important for us Minnesotans (because we don’t get enough sun)
- helps your body use calcium (bones!)
- I personally take nearly 10,000 IU per day (because my levels are so low …
I recommend blood work to find out your levels)
- all encompassing
Supplements for Children
- again, immune system for kids
- best to take first thing in the morning WITHOUT food (or in yogurt/ milk)
- my family members take probiotics daily (not just during the cold/ flu season)
Fish Oil
- must be a high quality fish oil (due to the potential hazard of mercury)
- again, very important for brain development for children
Vitamin D
- the easiest form for kids is in liquid form (I just add it to my kids’ milk)
- I personally stick to 1,000 IU per day
- I go for the gummy version (I don’t worry too much about the sugar content …
though I do pay attention to the bioavailability and quality of the vitamin)
As you can see, the lists are relatively similar. The key difference is that I emphasize Vitamin B for women (not just during pregnancy, but in all walks of life) and I emphasize Fish Oils for children (because of brain development).
I do keep a few other supplements in my home, but I keep them to use more sparingly or as necessary. These are:
zinc (for cold/ flu season)
Vitamin C (cold/ flu season)
Myocalm PM (additional calcium/ potassium)
Prenatals when pregnant
Again, simple is best. You shouldn’t break the bank buying supplements, though it is important to supplement when you can’t get these nutrients directly from your food.