Ear infections are something that can affect anyone and they are incredibly common! In fact most kids will have at least one middle ear infection by the time they turn 3! Ear infections can occur when there is fluid build up in the middle ear. This occurs when the tube that connects your ear to your nasal cavity [auditory tube, or Eustachian tube] isn’t draining properly. The fluid buildup ultimately leads to increased pressure in the ear which causes pain! There are other symptoms below for kidz and moms to help you spot an ear infection!
Top Symptoms in Kidz
Irritability, crying
Poor feeding
Poor sleeping
Tugging/fussing with ear
Recent upper respiratory infection
Treatment for Kidz
Top Symptoms in Adults
Fullness/pressure in ear
Muffled hearing
Low-grade fever
Ear pain with colds, allergies, sinusitis
Treatment for Adults
Why More Often in Kids?
Kidz auditory tubes are shorter, more horizontal, and more narrow. This makes it easier for the tube to become obstructed following and inflammation, infection, or allergic reaction in the nose.
Kidz immune systems are not as robust as adults’ since they have yet to encounter the many of the viruses + bacteria that can cause a middle ear infection.