The pelvic floor + lower body are both affected postpartum. The feet are especially affected because of the relaxin that lingers in the body for up to 1 year! The muscles of the pelvic floor are found between the tailbone [ coccyx ] and the pubic bone. These muscles create supportive foundation for our organs as we go about life on two legs!
The Chiropractic Role in the Pelvic Floor
- adjusting the sacrum + pubic bone
- adjusting the SI joint
- studies show that adjusting the SI joint causes activation of the abdominal muscles - a strong core is a strong pelvic floor! [ 1 ]
Although we do not do ANY internal pelvic floor work, we do work closely with the sacrum + pubic bone as well as the muscles attaching on the external surface. These muscles include:
- psoas [ hip flexor ]
- adductors [ inner thigh muscles ]
- piriformis + glutes [ butt muscles ]
Products for Tailbone Pain:
Top 6 Pelvic Floor Conditions
- rib + diaphragm pain
- pubic symphysis dysfunction [ SPD ]
- tailbone + low back pain
- diastasis recti [ DR }
- incontinence / leaking
- painful sex
Our Favorite Postpartum Products :
- Diaphragm + Rib Wedge [ for sleeping ! ]
- Compression Tights
- Postpartum Girdle - for DR [ diastasis recti ]
Spine + Pelvic Floor Stabilizers :
Plantar Fasciitis Postpartum
Foot / heel pain is common postpartum because the relaxin that remains in the body [ for up to one year ] keeps the ligaments of the foot loose and "unstable".
Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. It can cause a stabbing pain that shows up early in the morning. It involves inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes.
Foot Pain & Plantar Fasciitis Exercises:
- calf massage
- arch stripping + foot adjustments
- tennis ball + frozen water ball foot massage
- heel + calf stretch on the wall
Find the video demonstration HERE!
Products to Combat Leg / Foot Pain :
[ 1 ] Marshall P, Murphy B. The Effect of Sacroiliac Joint Manipulation on Feed-Forward Activation Times of the Deep Abdominal Musculature. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2006;29(3):196-202